Joe Farnelli
Joe Farnelli

About Joe Farnelli

I really hate trying to sell myself to other people in an attempt to gain their interest, but I'll try.


I've been a musician/music producer for nine years, starting at the young age of 13. I found a deep love for music, but I also learned that the more you do something the more you learn to hate it, so I knew early on that I did not want music to become the driving force of my life. Although I love it and will always have a passion for it, and it will likely be a mainstay in my life for the rest of my existence, it should probably remain a "here and there" kind of thing instead of letting it consume my soul. That also helps the quality of work remain high and inspired. I run a record label on the side of my normal life and love to help other people persue their own dreams in music.


I've been a huge technology nerd my entire life. As early as I can remember, I was messing with computers trying to learn how to make them do things. I started learning simple HTML when I was 10 or 11 and messed with that for a while. By the time I was twelve, I convinced my Mother to buy me a book on coding, it was based on FreeBASIC and although I'm sure it was already outdated by a decade when I got it, it taught me a ton about programming methodology that I remember to this day and utilize whenever I'm working on a new project. Around the same time, I started developing video games in any way I could, I downloaded GameMaker when I was 12, and by the time I was 13 I had saved up enough money to buy the licenses and all the cool extra features YoYo Games offered for people who purchased it.

I continued game development for all of middle school and most of high school, it became more of an "off and on" thing when I turned 16 or so, and I just worked on projects when I was bored and occassionally messed around updating old projects. Nowadays, I still mess with making games here and there, but in the search for a more stable career choice, I came across Cyber Security. It was all the cool stuff I liked about computers, slightly less math intensive, slightly less programming intensive, and the job market had a much better outlook. I began teaching myself cyber security principles and learning how to use the industry standard tools, and I am currently attended college studying it.

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Joe Farnelli

Joe Farnelli

Cyber Security Student, Soldier, History Nerd, Music Lover — Instagram @IAmJoeFar